Bike 5min
- Narrow squat walk 1×10 forward, backward
- Kicking walk 1×10 forward, backward
- Side lunges 1×10 each side
- Alternating (walking) lunge and twist 2×20 (stretch hands out)
- Lunge and side bend (alternating) 2×20 (reach up with hands together, then bend to side)
- Back extension with leg bending: 3 cycles of L, R, both legs bending
- Arm bridge sequence 1×10 (sphinx, plank, child pose, stretch arms up, reverse)
- Bulgarian split squat 3×10
- Walking alternating lunges 3×20 (single steps)
- Super set
- Push ups on wall one knee up 3×10 on each leg
- Seated rows 3×20
- Super set
- Goblet squats 3×10
- Standing DB press 3×10
- Super set
- Deadlift KB 3×10 (25lbs)
- Seated leg stretch 3×20
- Knee catch sequence 1×10 (L, R, Both) (on back, bring knee to chest, and lift head and shoulders)
- Side lying planks 1×10 on left, 1×10 on right
- Butterfly stretch 1×10
Notes: seated leg stretch = pinch in R of back, able to touch toes pain free now