Thin out R leg, bulk up L leg
Floor warm ups
Super set
- Super set 3x
- KB deadlifts: x20 24kg
- Walking lunges x20
- KB straight leg deadlifts: 3×10 16kg
- Heavy barbell deadlift: 3×5
- Seated leg extension with elastic: 3×8-12 on the L only
- Step ups with weight: 3×8-12 25lbs on the L only
- Incline large rubber band (Blue) leg press: 3×8-12 on the L only
- E (elastic) leg extension sequence: 1×10 L, 1×30 R
- E scooter step: 1×10 L, 1×30 R
- E leg circle: 1×10 L, 1×30 R
- E hip extension and leg curl: 1×10 L. 1×30 R