- Toe reach walk 1×20 alternating leg
- Calf raises 1×20 on both legs
- Narrow squat walk 1×10
- Calf raises 1×10 on each leg
- Kicking walk 1×10
- Calf raises 1×10 on each leg
- Seated leg stretch 1×20 alternating
- Seated leg stretch with 1/4 circle 1×20 alternating
- KB deadlift 3×15
- 1 leg deadlift 3×10 on each leg (use stick for the R leg if you can’t control properly with the KB)
- Balance on a cushion on 1 leg 1x1min on each leg
- Hip bridges with knee squeeze 2×15 hold each rep for 5sec
- Leg Adduction with ankle weight 2×10 + alphabet
Youtube channel: koom studio